Marriage Gusti Kanjeng Bendara Queen (25), the youngest daughter of Sri Sultan Hamengkubuwono X, with Achmad Ubaidillah (30) involving 18 makeup, which consisted of 14 women and 4 cosmetic makeup man. The groomer is ready in Yogyakarta Palace since the H-2 marriages.
"Because the busy bride and groom in Jakarta, make-up tests can only be implemented beginning this October. In addition to makeup tests, we also teach lampah squat (squat walk) to the prospective bridegroom," said Tienuk Riefki, traditional bridal makeup trust Yogyakarta Palace party makeup the bride and groom, Thursday (10/13/2011) at the Palace Kilen, Yogyakarta.
Preparation of wedding makeup team princess Sultan HB X was started since last July. Before running the makeup, the makeup especially Tienuk undergo fasting since early October.
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