GKR Bendara (left) and KPH Yudanegara in an occasion of Yogyakarta Palace recently.
Like a grand royal wedding, wedding ceremony youngest daughter of Sultan Hamengkubuwono X, GRAJ Nurastuti Wijareni (GKR Bendara) by Achmad Ubaidillah (KPH Yudanegara) will be wrapped in a festive, tradition-rooted, and the center of attention. The combination of tradition and excitement of it at least would be reflected from the bridal procession, involving nine carriages.
There are two carnival procession, the first time brings the groom and the families of Ndalem Mangkubumen to Ward Ksatrian. Carnival was held on Sunday (16/10) using a three-horse carriage. Based on the information committee of marriage, the groom would ride the train Kuthoharjo Kiai, while family and relatives will rise Kiai Kiai Kus Pupito Beads and Ivory.
The second procession takes place to bring the bride and groom from the palace to ward Kepatihan, Yogyakarta.Pengantin will ride the train Kiai Jong Wiyat lane VII legacy. "At this time the family bridal train ride followed by Kiai Permili, Kiai Roto Blue, Kiai Cemeng Kus, and Kiai Ijem Kus, "said Ronny Guritno, one of the organizers of marriage, in between checking the readiness of carriage horses in the complex KeratonYogyakarta yesterday.
According to him, the route to the wedding procession started from the palace through the North Square of the west, head north toward splitting Malioboro Kepatihan.Selama carnival, Malioboro Street will be closed first total.Barisan be escorted by two troops of soldiers palace. Ronny said, the trains that will be used today is still stored in the palace museum. The train is already hundreds of years old.
"All the trains are ready, including horses that will be used to attract," he explained. To pull the entire train, according to him, it takes about 23 kuda.Setiap carriage pulled by a horse that size is quite large. The number of horses in each train is not the same, according to the shape of the train. To meet the needs of these horses, some will borrow from an outside party keraton.Setidaknya there are eight horses of the Cavalry Battalion Bandung who had arrived.
Today the horses are placed on a train museum complex, following the pawangnya.Di palace itself has no six kuda.Mengenai rest will be borrowed from horse owners who are members of Pordasi Yogyakarta. "Horse Pordasi will be prepared on the day," he said. One of his nurses a horse (pekathik) Nurdianto say, six horses owned by the palace is a horse that is often used to pacuan.Sebulan once this horse is also examined by the health care team.
"Towards the carnival, a horse will be checked again," he said. The horses are prepared every morning are also trained to berjalan.Entah complex just around the square or to the surrounding area Ngasem. The plan tomorrow afternoon the committee will conduct rehearsals on the readiness of carriage and horses. This rehearsal will be concentrated in the South Square
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