Jogja Java Carnival (JJC), the annual cultural and artistic performances of Yogyakarta, this year will be enlivened by the wedding Gusti Maya Nurastuti Wijareni Raden, the youngest daughter of Sri Sulltan Hamengkubuwono X, which is usually called Jeng Reni.
Head of Tourism and Culture of Yogyakarta Yulia Rustianingsih state the number of visitors to the carnival this year is estimated at 25 thousand people. "To increase the number of visitors, JJC promotion will be packaged with a royal wedding package Jeng Reni from Yogya Sultan Palace which took place on October 18 and followed by JJC on October 22," he said.
Jeng Reni will marry Ubaidillah Achmad, officials at the Secretariat of the Vice President. Ahead of the wedding, Ubaidillah receive a knighthood by the name of Prince Harya Kanjeng Yudanegara. Reni also got a new title as Queen Bendara Kanjeng Gusti.
Yogyakarta Mayor Herry Zudianto target next year, the carnival can enter the three major national tourism agenda. "The version of Self magazine, for JJC last year ranked seven new entrants," he said.
Carnival this year also provides a seat for viewers who want a more comfortable watching the upcoming carnival on October 22 that. The committee scored two thousand tickets with a variety of classes for those seats. The most expensive tickets priced at $ 500 thousand.
"For the most expensive tickets, the buyer will get a place in the North Square. Before the event, for this class provided a dinner at Sultan Palace performances," said Ferry Astono, Chairman of the Committee JJC 2011.
For another class, with tickets costing USD 250 thousand and $ 150 thousand, will get a seat in the area of Jalan Malioboro, the main route through which this carnival. "If the general public without a ticket, please look for free, just do not get a seat," said Ferry.
Issuance of tickets was taken the committee to close the funding gap. This year, the carnival is expected to cost Rp 2.05 billion, but the government has only disbursed Rp 1.5 billion from the regional city of Yogyakarta.
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